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My aim is to build a stable cultural and educational foundation that can support technological advancements without endangering humanity's future.

Who am I?

My name is Damian Kozakiewicz.

Professionally, I am a software developer of complex and cloud-native applications, with a strong focus on backend engineering. I am currently working in an IT-Consulting firm focused on telecommunication and networks.

My interdisciplinary skill set reaches from software development to business analysis to data science and machine learning.

In general, I would describe myself as an autodidact, i.e. a self-taught learner. While this isn’t technically true, because I attended school and college, I do learn mostly outside of university.

I love spending evenings and weekends learning something new. My technical projects can be found on my GitHub, like a sorting algorithm visualizer, a self-driving car built with a neural network from scratch, or playing around with a lorenz attractor from chaos theory.

While the internet is a great resource for learning, I am also a big fan of classical books, from which I learned a lot.

Education / Work

I graduated with a B.Sc. in Information science for Business (Wirtschaftsinformatik) and a specialization in software engineering.

I studied in a dual system (duales Studium), which means, that I alternated between three-month-long periods of theory at university and work at a company.

This was ideal for such a hands-on field as software engineering, where I didn’t have to decide between a theoretical foundation and practical knowledge from work.

During these three years, I worked as a software engineer, a business analyst, a robotic process automation developer, and in the end, mostly as a backend engineer.

After my studies, I took on a job in an InsurTech-StartUp as a full-stack developer.

Currently, I am working as a Software Developer in an IT-Consulting firm.

My core beliefs